Laura O’Reilly Stanzilis RN MSM

Summer is here! Fun in the Sun is a good thing but remember…It is Important to Stay Safe and Healthy in The Summer Heat.

Remember to take precautions against the harmful effects of the suns UV Rays, but don’t forget to stay well hydrated. Staying hydrated is vital year-round, but becomes even more of a concern during the summer months because when it is hot and humid, your risk of dehydration and heat illness increases due to increased sweating and loss of fluids.
Summer is the perfect time of year to get outside, be active and enjoy the sun. But by not taking the right safeguards to avoid overexposure to harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation, you could be putting yourself at risk for getting skin cancer.

Also, be sure to talk to your physician about the right amount of fluids for you during the summer months and the medications you take that require you to minimize your exposure to the sun.

When out in the summer heat please heed these tips on preventing Heat Stroke, a dangerous condition when your body fails to regulate its temperature:

​Drink water, homemade juices, and lemonade
Wear loose fitting, lightweight clothing
Keep yourself covered- especially your head and the back of your neck
Keep cool by using hand fans, wet towels and spraying water on your body
Avoid Spending time in front of a hot stove
Avoid direct sunlight between 12 and 3 pm
Avoid drinking fluids with caffeine and excess sugar


Laura is the Executive Director of the North Jersey Health Collaborative. She can be reached at