3 Traits that Lead to Success in Finance and Fitness


Personal fitness and personal finance are two of the most critical focuses in your life. Both affect everyone in some way or another. Making progress in either area results in dramatic improvements in your life. Being that your health and finances are essential and dictate your life, it should

3 Traits that Lead to Success in Finance and Fitness2024-02-22T17:17:01+00:00

Why Investing is so Difficult


Buy low, sell high. This four-word phrase is the only thing you need to know to invest successfully. Why, then, is something so simple as buying low and selling high such a difficult skill to

Why Investing is so Difficult2024-02-22T17:11:06+00:00

2 Berry Crumble


* 1/2 Lb frozen or fresh Blueberries (I use organic) * 1/2 Lb frozen or fresh Raspberries (I use organic) * 2 TBSP. Coconut Oil (I use organic) * 2 TBSP. Maple Syrup * 1

2 Berry Crumble2024-02-22T17:28:14+00:00

Free your fitness Chameleon


The exercise principle called adaptation shares similarities with a chameleon in its ability to change and adjust in response to the environment.   Let's explore this comparison with a touch of science and a bit

Free your fitness Chameleon2024-02-16T16:09:26+00:00

How Money Can Buy Happiness


By: Joey Casolaro, CFP® Earlier this year, I explained two principles you can follow to obtain the most happiness from your spending https://www.highlandplanning.com/learning-center-1/how-money-can-buy-happiness-part-1. In today’s article, I will cover three more concepts that can help

How Money Can Buy Happiness2024-02-16T16:17:37+00:00

How One’s Body Composition Plays Into Physical Lifestyle


          By Lois Manzella Marchitto A person's body composition can significantly influence their physical lifestyle. It is comprised of bone, muscle, ligaments, tendons, water, and adipose tissue (fat). There are several

How One’s Body Composition Plays Into Physical Lifestyle2023-07-18T13:58:16+00:00

Sun Safety Tips for a Healthy Summer


By Mary Ellen Zung         July is UV Safety Awareness Month Summer has officially arrived and it’s a time for fun, vacations and spending long hours outdoors. However, we must remember to

Sun Safety Tips for a Healthy Summer2023-11-10T15:39:53+00:00
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