Laura O’Reilly-Stanzilis RN MSM

Your primary care provider is your partner in your healthcare, and a good provider-patient relationship can help you achieve best health outcomes.

The Annual Wellness visit is a yearly appointment with your primary care provider (PCP) to review your personal and family health history, create or update a personalized care plan, and schedule screenings that may prevent illness based on your current health and risk factors.

During a sick visit, when you are not feeling well, and which is usually scheduled at the last minute, there is little time to address issues other than the primary complaint (the reason for the visit) at that time.

Annual exams allow for a yearly health assessment. A thorough exam includes

  • height and weight
  • checking blood pressure
  • performing a skin check
  • listen to heart and lungs
  • checking abdomen, thyroid glands and lymph nodes for abnormalities
  • checking ears
  • checking eyesight
  • checking on any chronic conditions
  • discussing mental health concerns
  • referrals for specialists, therapies and regimens, lab tests and screenings depending on age or health status
  • other concerns based on age and personal history

We all have unique health needs and your provider may order tests based on your personal and family history.

It is recommended that patients keep a list of questions to ask at annual appointments. Bringing a list will help to ensure that all of your questions are answered. If you do not understand an explanation, ask your provider to clarify the answer until you understand.

Always follow up on your test results, and take medication and supplements only as prescribed.

Have you scheduled an annual exam yet? Your health matters. Please make time for yourself and schedule an appointment today.

Laura is a registered nurse and the Executive Director of the North Jersey Health Collaborative. She can be reached at