Roasted Brussel Sprouts and Sweet Potato Salad


Barb Minemier The Okinawan population in Japan has one of the longest life expectancies in the world. Researchers believe that this is due in great part to their plant-forward diet — including sweet potatoes, which

Roasted Brussel Sprouts and Sweet Potato Salad2022-02-11T18:24:11+00:00

Stop Being Ruled by Imposter Syndrome


by Doreen Steenland  You know it well, the insecure reruns in your mind that play on repeat, and come at the most inopportune times. Thoughts like, “you don’t belong at this table”, “Sam has it

Stop Being Ruled by Imposter Syndrome2022-08-19T14:19:36+00:00

Keeping the Mental Mess in Check


By Doreen Steenland We’ve all been there!  Your co-worker says something that shakes your confidence in your competence!  Most times, you are rocking your career and motherhood, not thinking twice about that comment, but occasionally

Keeping the Mental Mess in Check2022-08-19T14:18:25+00:00

A Fall Recipe That is Versatile, Healthy and Hearty!


Very Veggie Soup By Kathy D’Agati This soup is very versatile.  You can add any types of beans or legumes, leftover chicken, beef, shrimp, tofu, etc.  If you serve it in a bowl over brown

A Fall Recipe That is Versatile, Healthy and Hearty!2021-09-23T16:31:41+00:00

Combatting Decision Fatigue


By Doreen Steenland Decisions, decisions, decisions… seems like our brains are bombarded with decisions!  According to an article in Psychology Today, the average person makes around 35,000 decisions a day, unless you are a Working

Combatting Decision Fatigue2022-08-19T14:17:15+00:00

Learn as if You Will Live Forever


  By Mary Beth Kane From the time we enter this world, even while we are still in our mother’s womb, education is promoted as critical. Our parents read to us in the belly, and

Learn as if You Will Live Forever2021-09-21T16:41:25+00:00

How You Can Live a Balanced, High-Performance Lifestyle


By John Allen Mollenhauer An article by Axios, a publishing company that helps you get smarter, faster on what matters, talks about How data and the pandemic have democratized the “high-performance lifestyle.” They say, “A

How You Can Live a Balanced, High-Performance Lifestyle2021-07-08T17:11:57+00:00
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