As an exercise expert and health educator, I often see clients seeking the “easy button” for weight loss, looking to weight loss medications. While these medications can seem like a magic solution and can help to jump-start your weight loss journey, they are most effective when combined with sustainable lifestyle changes. I hope to shed some light on why incorporating regular exercise and healthy dietary shifts is a necessity for long-term sustainability with weight loss medication.  Truth be told, if you just follow these 14 tips you will likely not need the medication at all!

Enhancing the Benefits

The most popular weight loss medications work by mimicking a hormone that targets areas of the brain involved in regulating appetite and food intake.  In simple terms, they help people not feel hungry.   They can significantly help reduce weight, but it’s not a standalone solution. For the best results, combining with a balanced diet and regular physical activity enhances its effectiveness and most importantly keeps it off for a lifetime. I have never met a client who says “YES, I would love to lose 50 pounds and then put it back on three months later”.   Here are some tips:

Building Sustainable Habits Long-term success with weight loss is all about building habits that you can maintain for life.

  1. Be Patient: It didn’t take you 30 days to gain all of the weight. It won’t take 30 days to take it off either. Aim for gradual, steady weight loss rather than quick fixes. Sustainable changes lead to lasting results.
  2. Make sure exercise is FUN: Whether it’s hiking, dancing, or swimming, engaging in activities you love increases the likelihood that you’ll stick with them.
  3. Plan and Prep Meals: Taking time to plan and prepare meals ensures you have healthy options readily available, making it easier to avoid processed and unhealthy foods.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water keeps you hydrated, helps metabolic function, and helps control hunger.
  5. Ask for help: Whether it’s an accountability partner, a personal trainer, or a support group, having a network can provide motivation and accountability.

Exercise: More Than Just Burning Calories. Regular exercise does more than just burn calories; it transforms your body and mind in multiple ways:

  1. Improved Metabolism: Exercise increases your metabolic rate, helping you burn more calories at rest. This is essential for counteracting the body’s natural tendency to slow metabolism during weight loss.
  2. Prevent muscles from shrinking with age: Women lose 1/2 lb. to 1 lb. of muscle annually. A regular strength training routine helps to circumvent the decline.
  3. Muscle Maintenance and Growth: Resistance training and aerobic exercises help maintain and build muscle mass, which is required as muscle burns more calories at rest than fat, aiding in sustainable changes.
  4. Cardiovascular Health: Exercise improves circulation, hence the reason most get warm or hot while exercising. This reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and obesity.
  5. Mental Health: Physical activity releases endorphins, known as “feel-good” hormones which help to maintain a better outlook on life and lower the prevalence of anxiety, and depression. This mental health shift can make it easier to stick with your weight loss and fitness goals.

The Power of a Healthy Diet

A well-balanced diet is a necessity when using weight loss medication by providing your body with the necessary nutrients to function more easily. Here’s why dietary changes are needed:

  1. Sustained Energy Levels: Eating a balanced diet rich in whole foods, lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates ensures steady energy levels throughout the day, preventing the energy crashes that lead to unhealthy snacking.
  2. Nutrient Density: Whole foods are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health, boost immunity, and improve recovery after workouts.
  3. Satiety Factor: The temptation to eat unhealthy foods is often triggered by processed foods. Therefore, eating foods high in fiber, such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, help you feel full longer, reducing the temptation to overeat.
  4. Blood Sugar Regulation: Balanced meals with a proper mix of macronutrients help stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing cravings and maintaining consistent energy levels.

The Takeaway

While weight loss medications can be effective tools for weight loss, their success is significantly amplified when paired with regular exercise and a healthy diet. These lifestyle changes not only enhance the drug’s effectiveness but also promote overall health, making weight loss more sustainable and improving quality of life. I encourage you to view all weight loss medications as part (not the whole) of a comprehensive weight loss strategy that includes fitness and nutrition, ensuring long-term success and well-being.  Commit to these changes today and take control of your success on your health journey—your future self will thank you!


Lois Manzella Marchitto is the owner Fitness Knocking® and can reached at Mobile 973-713-2602 Office 862-251-8989